Tuesday, September 11, 2012

An Encounter with Nature through an Airboat Everglades Tour



An Encounter with Nature through an Airboat Everglades Tour

An airboat Everglades tour is something that that any family can aspire to experience even once in a lifetime or probably many times. The main theme of these tours is wildlife exploration; the unusual flora and fauna in the Everglades has turned to a great tourist attraction over the years. Here we shall discuss the common sights that you will expect to encounter as you go on your next Everglades tour on airboat.

First, you will encounter Gator Park. The name itself suggests what you will immediately see: alligators, crocodiles, and many other types of big reptiles. You can also meet turtles, fish, snakes, and different varieties of plants. By looking closely (or by listening to the competent tour guides), you can take a closer look at the lifestyles of different animals populating the Everglades. You will find out the food that they eat and their natural habitats. You will also know the special role of large reptiles such as alligators and crocodiles in maintaining ecological balance in the Everglades.

You can also expect to go to Everglades Miami tours National Park. The park contains hundreds of different species of both plants and animals. You can see surroundings that you would not likely encounter in other settings. At the park, you can gather plenty of information regarding the flora and fauna of the wetlands as well as its long-time inhabitants. It is surely a refreshing experience to find out how people can live in unusual settings while being at home with Nature. The guides in the park surely know their stuff. For example, they can show you how to wrestle a big alligator during a Wildlife Show. They will even give you a chance to cuddle a small alligator with your hands! (Remember that a Wildlife Show is presented only in English.)

Bird watching is also a common activity that highly observant tourists can do while on an airboat Everglades tour. You will see not only the land and water species, but also the creatures of the air. The birds that you will encounter, however, will depend on luck. Common birds that you can encounter include many types of egrets, the roseate spoonbill, the white ibis, and many more. Seeing them closely will surely add to the fun that you will experience while on an Everglades air boat tour. Of course, it pays to bring some binoculars if you want to watch many different types of animals more closely, especially the birds.

If you want to get seats for an airboat Everglades Tours, then it is preferable for you to check out these seats online. There are many websites that allow you to book for a trip to the Everglades affordably. Sometimes these sites offer discounts of 50% off; you will be lucky upon stumbling on these websites. Packages that these websites offer often include an extra boat tour or city tour of Miami. To avail yourself of the best tours in the Everglades, look for websites that have tickets for sale at one-half the usual prices, and one such site is halfpricetourtickets.com.


Orignal From: An Encounter with Nature through an Airboat Everglades Tour

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