Friday, September 28, 2012

Transportations and shuttles to Key West

Shuttle bus from Miami to Key West offers complete comfort to the customers. The buses are air-conditioned; therefore the trip over 34 islands and 42 bridges is a real joy even on the hottest day. This is a much more convenient way of traveling than going by car as you can either sleep; take pictures of the beautiful waters, etc.

Greyhound buses offer the same experience by much cheaper prices though. What is the best about traveling by bus from Miami to Key West is that you don't have to worry with the car once you come to the island. Driving the car on the island is not very convenient because of the narrow streets and lack of parking space. Where you manage to find an unoccupied parking space there will be a reason for that – high parking rates. So, what could be easier than traveling by bus from Miami to Key West?

Orignal From: Transportations and shuttles to Key West

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